Mobile learning (m-learning) is education via the Internet or network using personal mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones to obtain learning materials through mobile apps, social interactions and online educational hubs. It is flexible, allowing students access to education anywhere, anytime.

Advantages of this way of learning is that you can study material whenever you want, online or offline, it takes only 5 minutes per a day and in a few weeks, you can gain a good base of knowledge just playing language games like spelling, dictate, shadowing, matching, galaxy or just by studying and testing. It is an individual way of learning, but in the system, you can collaborate with other students who are doing the same thing somewhere in the world. This learning can support your language courses and help you to improve your language.

The disadvantage is that this is one source of language studies and you need to include some other resources like grammar book, audio book or just find a teacher online or course at language school or university to help you to shape the best plan that suits your individual style of learning.

Here are some courses that I made and that you can find and join in:

Bosnian Surviving Language Course (5 weeks):

Bosnian-English Beginning Language Course (3 months):



Bosnian Intermediate Language Course (3 months):



Bosnian Advanced Language Course (3 months):



I hope you are going to like it, have fun and enjoy in your learning process!



Note about the writer:

Minela Kerla is a teacher, language trainer, teacher’s coach, mentor, doctor of education, an educational scientist and adviser. She went to teacher training high school, after what she studied literature at Sarajevo University, Faculty of Philosophy. In a in a field of educational science, she did her master studies at Zenica University, and doctoral studies at Sarajevo University, and University of Jyväskylä. After doctoral studies, she did specialization and got a certificate in TOESL (by Arizona University, USA) and Bilingual Brain (By Houston University, USA).

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